
Dental Implant Surgery - Billings & Laurel, MT

Bring Your Smile Back
with Dental Implants

dental patient smiling
"My New Smile Is A Game Changer Due To All-On-4."
implant patient

Dr. Winterholler

Why Choosing the Right Implant Dentist Matters!

Dental Implants Provide Unmatched Fit, Function … and Freedom!

According to research, an estimated 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and about 40 million are missing all of their teeth. 

If you’re living with tooth loss, it’s possible you’re no longer able to eat your favorite foods, and your speech may have even been affected. You may feel too self-conscious to talk, smile, laugh or socialize, which can negatively impact your personal and professional life. 

Missing most or all of your teeth can cause undesirable facial changes, a decline in your oral and general health, as well as increased jaw pain and migraines. 

Dental implants have gained popularity because they’re the only tooth replacement option that preserve adjacent tooth structure and bone. If you’re missing multiple teeth or all of them, full arch dental implants will significantly improve your bite function and quality of life. 

Dental implants are considered the “gold standard” tooth replacement solution because they restore oral health, smile esthetics and dental function for decades or a lifetime! 

Dr. Will Winterholler has the ideal combination of experience, knowledge and advanced technology to ensure that your dental implants in Laurel, MT and Billings, MT look, feel and function like your natural teeth!

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What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are made up of three parts: a titanium or zirconia post, an abutment and a toothlike restoration. 

The post assumes the function of the missing natural tooth root. The abutment is a small metal device that connects the restoration to the dental implant. The restoration (or crown) is custom-made to fit your mouth, match the color of your other teeth, and provide you the feel and function of a natural tooth! 

Secured in your jawbone, dental implants are the most versatile tooth replacements available. Technological advances in the last three decades have resulted in implant success rates of 95-99%, as long as they’re placed by experienced clinicians and regular dental maintenance is kept up.

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Dental Implant Placement Requires Advanced Skills

To optimize treatment outcomes and achieve long-term success, it’s important to visit a skilled implant dentist with advanced surgical technology and high-quality materials. 

We have an on-site dental lab, which enables us to fabricate a wide range of prostheses, including same-day crowns and immediate-load temporary teeth. 

We are a Nobel Biocare™ Center of Excellence practice, which means Dr. Will has advanced training, certification and a successful track record placing All-on-4® full arch dental implants

He is also skilled in laser-assisted placement of full arch dental implants in Laurel, MT and Billings, MT, a minimally invasive technique that uses a laser to gently eliminate harmful bacteria from your gums and mouth, as well as incise the sites where implants are going to be placed, eliminating the need for drills and scalpels. 

With Dr. Will and teams’ vast expertise placing dental implants across Montana, you’ll enjoy improvements in your health, function, confidence and even your joy of life!

Your Custom Dental Implant Options

Dental implants can support a single dental crown or a dental bridge to replace one or more missing teeth in a row. Dental implants can also be used to increase the stability of a modified denture, which snaps securely to an implant that is placed in the jawbone. 

Full arch dental implants are the “gold standard” tooth replacement option for patients with many missing teeth due to their longevity, functional benefits and natural appearance. With All-on-X, we can add as many implants as needed to restore an entire arch of top or bottom teeth, or only four with the All-on-4 approach. 

All of our full arch protocols are designed to bypass the need for bone grafting and provide a temporary prosthesis the same day as implant surgery, even if you have bone loss! In all cases, dental implants will improve your ability to eat comfortably, feel confident in a complete smile, and live an overall healthier and better life.

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Avoid Making Costly Mistakes!

Dental implants are a lifetime investment in your health, function, and quality of life. Avoid the common mistakes people make when considering implants by following our recommendations.
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Your dental implant treatment at Winterholler Dentistry & Implant Surgery is personalized to your specific oral health needs and smile goals.

Our Dental Implant Treatment Process

At Winterholler Dentistry & Implant Surgery, we provide complimentary dental implant consultations and second opinions. 

We take digital X-rays and use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for a more in-depth assessment. CBCT imaging technology creates 150–200 images – in less than a minute! – to analyze your bone structure, nerve tissue and sinus cavities. These images are compiled into a single 3D model of your jawbone that we use to precisely plan your implant placement. 

In addition to a comprehensive exam and imaging, we’ll review your medical history and ask about any medical conditions and medications you take. Then we’ll devise a dental implant treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, taking into account factors such as the number of teeth you need replaced and the condition of your jawbone and remaining teeth. 

We offer nitrous oxide, IV sedation, oral sedation and general anesthesia, and we’ll help you decide which sedation option works best to ensure your comfort during surgery. Implants are placed in your jawbone in predetermined locations with the strongest bone density. 

It takes dental implants three to six months to fuse with your jawbone, but in the meantime, we’ll fit you with a temporary tooth or prosthesis.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

If the idea of wearing dentures makes you uncomfortable, dental implants offer a far better alternative and advantages that far exceed their cosmetic appeal. 

Traditional dentures require messy adhesives, must be removed for cleaning, can slip and move when you eat or speak, and ill-fitting dentures can irritate gums. Dentures also don’t preserve underlying bone, which explains the characteristic “sunken-in” look many denture wearers experience. 

Bridges require modification to adjacent teeth and crowns. On the other hand, dental implants don’t require food limitations or modification to other teeth, and they offer superb comfort, stability, esthetics and function. 

Once they fuse with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration, dental implants restore nearly 100% of natural biting and chewing power. Implants stimulate the jawbone, thereby preventing bone loss and facial changes while encouraging new bone growth. 

For these reasons, implants are considered the “gold standard” tooth replacement solution. The majority of patients we treat at Winterholler Dentistry & Implant Surgery are candidates for dental implants, and many wonder why they waited so long to get their smiles restored.

The Lasting Advantages of Dental Implants

Before After
Before After
Before After
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Making Dental Implants Affordable

Along with lasting, life-changing advantages, dental implants come with a higher initial cost than traditional alternatives. 

Factors that influence the cost of your dental implant journey include the number of missing teeth, location of implants in your jaw, amount and quality of underlying bone, and your oral and systemic health. 

Dentures and bridges simply can’t match the comfort, confidence and peace of mind that dental implants provide. Innovative treatment protocols, precise technology, extensive skills and our on-site dental lab combine to enable Dr. Will and team to deliver dental implants in Billings, MT and Laurel, MT at the lowest prices in the area. 

We’ve seen firsthand how dental implants have transformed the lives of our patients, and we think everyone deserves to experience these amazing benefits! 

In addition to offering affordable dental implants, we’ll file insurance claims on your behalf and connect you with leading third-party financing companies to help you get the smile of your dreams with this permanent tooth replacement solution!

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candidate for dental implants

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Patient Story

Don’t Let Missing Teeth Limit Your Life!

Schedule a complimentary dental implant consultation today.

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